ECSD Elementary School Teams: Embracing Joy in Learning
Welcome to the fourth and final round of School Teams for this year! Our theme for this round is JOY. Deep learning, facing challenges, and tackling new concepts can all be filled with joy. This is not about Edu-tainment but about taking learning and making it come to life in the classroom!
Join us as we explore how joy can transform the educational experience, making it more engaging and impactful for both educators and students. This round will feature 12 inspiring sessions designed to empower K-6 teachers, instructional leaders, and coaches. We will delve into new curriculum subject areas, providing you with strategies to support joyful and effective teaching and learning.
Together, we will foster collaboration, build skills, and create a joyful learning environment that sets the stage for excellence in every classroom. Dive into the schedule below to find sessions, resources, and tools that will help you and your team succeed. Let’s embrace joy and empower our educators and students to reach new heights!

avatar for elana


Edmonton Catholic Schools
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Patricia Aguilar-Dydak

Patricia Aguilar-Dydak

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Lori Arksey

Lori Arksey

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Melissa Astle

Melissa Astle

Edmonton Catholic School Division
EAL Consultant
avatar for Meredith Aubin

Meredith Aubin

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Math Consultant
avatar for Devin Austin

Devin Austin

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Elementary EAL Consultant
avatar for Katerina Campbell

Katerina Campbell

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Elementary Science Consultant
avatar for Venessa Chalifoux

Venessa Chalifoux

Elementary English Language Arts and Literacy Consultant
avatar for Caroline El Cid

Caroline El Cid

Edmonton Catholic School District
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Brandi Clark

Brandi Clark

Edmonton Catholic School Division
English Language Arts Consultant (K-6)
avatar for Courtney Cregan

Courtney Cregan

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Kindergarten Programming Consultant
avatar for Jenny Culbertson

Jenny Culbertson

Learning Services, ECSD
Visual Art and Drama Consultant
avatar for Nicole Cunningham

Nicole Cunningham

Edmonton Catholic School Division
avatar for Samantha Davidson

Samantha Davidson

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Elementary Social Studies Consultant
avatar for Anna  Deligianis

Anna Deligianis

Edmonton Catholic School Division
EAL and Languages
avatar for Stephanie Denman

Stephanie Denman

Edmonton Catholic School Division
English Language Arts Consultant (K-6)
avatar for Haidee deRoca-Garcia

Haidee deRoca-Garcia

STEM Consultant
avatar for Justin DuVal

Justin DuVal

Asst. Manager, Occupational Therapy & Mental Health
avatar for Fitzroy Ford

Fitzroy Ford

Edmonton Catholic School Division
EDIAR Consultant
avatar for Nicholas Freeman

Nicholas Freeman

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Alyson Gabucci

Alyson Gabucci

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Curriculum and Assessment Consultant
avatar for Vanessa Gavin

Vanessa Gavin

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Secondary EAL Consultant
avatar for Anita Hanneman

Anita Hanneman

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Elementary Math Consultant at Edmonton Catholic School Division
avatar for Leanne Hemphill

Leanne Hemphill

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Curriculum and Assessment
avatar for Jacqueline Koval

Jacqueline Koval

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Physical Education and Wellness Consultant
avatar for Joel Kristiansen

Joel Kristiansen

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Emerging Technology Consultant
avatar for Amy Leavitt

Amy Leavitt

Edmonton Catholic School District
French as an Additional Language Consultant
avatar for Caroline Lepps

Caroline Lepps

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Math Consultant
avatar for Lindsay Lott

Lindsay Lott

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Shannon Loutitt

Shannon Loutitt

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Indigenous Learning Services Consultant
avatar for Shamala Manilall

Shamala Manilall

Edmonton Catholic School District
Manager OT/PT
avatar for Shireen Mohammed

Shireen Mohammed

Edmonton Catholic School Division
EDIAR Specialist
avatar for Kathleen Nguyen

Kathleen Nguyen

Edmonton Catholic Schools
Elementary Religious Education Consultant
avatar for Sarah Ostlund

Sarah Ostlund

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Stephanie Pedersen

Stephanie Pedersen

Edmonton Catholic School Division
English Language Arts Consultant (K-6)
avatar for Suzanne Pitts

Suzanne Pitts

Edmonton Catholic School Division
French Immersion Consultant
avatar for Kailey Pollitt

Kailey Pollitt

Kindergarten Programming Consultant
avatar for Benjamin Prather

Benjamin Prather

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Math Consultant
avatar for Trish Roffey

Trish Roffey

Edmonton Catholic Schools
Manager of Elementary Curriculum
avatar for Kathleen Ruff

Kathleen Ruff

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Kindergarten Programming Consultant
avatar for Carilynn Salisbury

Carilynn Salisbury

Edmonton Catholic School Division
English Language Arts Consultant
avatar for Andrés Sánchez

Andrés Sánchez

Edmonton Catholic School Division
International Languages Consultant

Toby Scott

Edmonton Catholic School District
AT Specialist
avatar for Anne Simpson

Anne Simpson

Edmonton Catholic School Division
English Language Arts Consultant (K-6)
avatar for Amy Swinkels

Amy Swinkels

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Math Consultant
avatar for Angelica Tan

Angelica Tan

Edmonton Catholic School Division
English as an Additional Language Consultant (K-6)
avatar for Carmen Vaugeois

Carmen Vaugeois

Edmonton Catholic School Division
French Immersion Consultant
avatar for Krista Wennerstrom

Krista Wennerstrom

Edmonton Catholic School
Manager, Speech-Language Pathology
avatar for Lisa Yaworski

Lisa Yaworski

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Inclusive Consultant
avatar for Natalie Zuberbuhler

Natalie Zuberbuhler

Edmonton Catholic School Division
Elementary Science Consultant
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