ECSD Elementary School Teams: Embracing Joy in Learning
Welcome to the fourth and final round of School Teams for this year! Our theme for this round is JOY. Deep learning, facing challenges, and tackling new concepts can all be filled with joy. This is not about Edu-tainment but about taking learning and making it come to life in the classroom!
Join us as we explore how joy can transform the educational experience, making it more engaging and impactful for both educators and students. This round will feature 12 inspiring sessions designed to empower K-6 teachers, instructional leaders, and coaches. We will delve into new curriculum subject areas, providing you with strategies to support joyful and effective teaching and learning.
Together, we will foster collaboration, build skills, and create a joyful learning environment that sets the stage for excellence in every classroom. Dive into the schedule below to find sessions, resources, and tools that will help you and your team succeed. Let’s embrace joy and empower our educators and students to reach new heights!


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  2. Search within the Sched App to find your event:
    "School Team 5 - Final Round"
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1. Click to open: Full Event Schedule
2. On next screen, set "Auto-refresh" to "Every hour" to ensure you get schedule changes.

Google Calendar
1. Click to open: Full Event Schedule
Note: Google will only update the feed once per day, which means you could miss out on last minute updates.

Microsoft Outlook
1. Click to open: Full Event Schedule
2. View instructions for Outlook.com or Outlook for Mac.

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Full Event Schedule: https://schoolteam5finalround2025.sched.com/all.ics

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